Sunday 30 September 2007

The University of Levana Press

Beach Forest

Though it may not be widely known at this stage, Miguel Errazu wrote Chronicles of the Greater Dream after the Government of Gondwana got in touch with him and asked him to do so.
The book is published by the UK branch of the University of Levana Press, which has once more become operational after a deplorable break of several decades.
The book itself is part of a broader gonvernmental project, The Greater Dream Project designed to protect the international interests of the country by providing the international community with reliable information - at last. The project includes the book, a website, the present blog, a projected international Greater Dream Congress (still very much in the planning stage) and a worldwide campaign of general information. Miguel goes into this in detail in the third volume of the Chronicles.

This being said, our friends at the University Press are very excited to learn that the Chronicles are now available in Japan and they have have asked me to inform the public on this blog.

And while you're at it, they suggested, you might as well also give the links for Amazon US and UK.

I tend to forget these practical points, and they do well to remind me.

With this go our greetings to our many friends in Japan. The illustration above was sent in by one of them. This brings him out warmest thanks.

To order from Amazon JP:

To order from Amazon US:

To order from Amazon UK:

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